The Task Scheduler feature of the OAT allows you to manage and run scheduled maintenance, monitoring and administration tasks at predefined times or as determined internally by the server. 通过使用OAT的TaskScheduler特性,可以在预先指定的时间(或由服务器内部决定的时间)运行维护、监视和管理任务。
Action# 10.Give advanced notice on scheduled maintenance or upgrades to user access management, data protection technologies and virtual machines. 措施10.在对用户访问管理、数据保护技术和虚拟机进行有计划的维护或升级时,应该提前通知使用者。
You might want to relocate applications to avoid downtime resulting from scheduled maintenance or to improve performance by moving an application to a more powerful server. 您可能希望重新部署应用程序,以避免因执行计划的维护任务而造成的停机时间,或者通过将应用程序移动到一台功能更强大的服务器来提高性能。
By including exceptions in a SLA, a service provider can protect itself from liability in case of, for example, failures, network outages, scheduled maintenance, and other network issues not within direct control of the provider. 通过在SLA中包含例外情况,服务供应商能够保护自己,免除对自身无法直接控制的事项的责任,比如故障、网络中断、计划维修和其他网络问题。
Scheduled maintenance activities play an important role to prevent any unexpected behavior by the system that has already being identified by IBM and for which a solution has been posted. 有计划的维护活动有助于避免那些IBM已经发现并为其提供了解决方案的系统异常行为。
Scheduled maintenance: The provider sets a schedule of maintenance including upgrades to user access management, data protection technologies and virtual machines. 有计划的维护:提供商安排对用户访问管理、数据保护技术和虚拟机的维护计划,包括升级。
Scheduled maintenance, such as software upgrades and periodic backups 计划维护,例如软件更新和定期备份
First he stops the production in the cloud while pretending to be on scheduled maintenance. 他首先会假装由于要执行预定维护而停止云中的生产环境。
On the other hand, deploying a new revision of the application will be more involved and may need to be performed as a part of scheduled maintenance downtime. 而另一方面,部署应用程序的新修订涉及的方面更多,可能需要在计划维护停止期间执行。
You are now able to perform scheduled maintenance activities on the Blade and SAP will not suffer any down time as a result of this activity. 现在能够在Blade上按计划执行维护活动,而不需要停止SAP。
The second soft goal specifies exceptions, such as planned failures, denial of service, scheduled maintenance, network outages, and network issues within the control of a service provider. 第二个软目标指定异常,例如计划的故障、拒绝服务、计划的维护、网络中断和服务提供商控制内的网络问题。
Here's a hint: Accidental of cutting fiber optics not within direct control of the provider, scheduled maintenance ( planned and unplanned) and scheduled proactive behavioral upgrades to applications. 例如,不在提供商直接控制下的光纤断裂事故,安排的维护(计划内和计划外)和安排的前瞻式应用程序行为升级。
The response from the large oil companies was a high-stakes game of bluff with the authorities: the amount of oil sold in China was reduced and several large refineries were put on "scheduled maintenance". 这些大型石油企业所做出的反应,是与政府玩一场高风险的虚张声势的游戏:它们降低国内石油的销售量,一些大型炼厂进行“定期维护”。
When evacuation of station is required, it is important that all scheduled maintenance work in the station and along the affected section of the tracks shall be stopped immediately. 需要对车站进行疏散时,应立即停止车站内和沿轨道受影响区段的所有预定维护工作,这一点很重要。
Generating capacity is taken out of service for scheduled maintenance or planned outage and is occasionally lost on an unplanned or forced outage. 发电容量的退出是为了计划维修或计划停电,或者偶然由于非计划或强迫停运。
Optimum status or standards required following renewal or after scheduled maintenance. 紧跟计划维护更新或在其之后所需的最优状态或标准。
Remember to leave your computer on during the time you scheduled maintenance tasks. 请记住在您所计划的时间内让计算机保持开机。
Complete scheduled maintenance for equipments. 定期做好设备的维护保养工作。
We have found the cause of this and will be removing the unearned titles and achievements during the next regularly scheduled maintenance. 引起此问题的原因已经找到,并会在下次维护中回收因该问题而获得的称号与成就。
The System Analysis and Application for Processing Management Software of Aircraft Scheduled Maintenance 飞机定检维修生产管理软件的系统分析与实际应用
The control and prevention measure reduce mental material tensile stress, select suitable material, control of media environment and scheduled maintenance to the pipe is put forward aimed to stress corrosion crazing problem produced by stainless steel welded pipe for condenser. 针对凝汽器用不锈钢焊管产生应力腐蚀开裂问题提出了抑制和防范措施,即降低金属材料拉伸应力,选择合适的材料,对介质环境的控制和对钢管的定期维护保养。
Since the state monitoring and maintenance of equipment involve profound and extensive professional knowledge, it is necessary to adopt scientific monitoring means including spot-check so that scheduled maintenance can be carried out for the equipment in jet weaving sheds. 设备状态监测与维修工作专业性强,涉及的知识面广,文章介绍了在喷织车间应用科学检测手段,开展点检和状态计划修理,加强对进口设备的监控。
Database Organization of Visualized Scheduled Maintenance for Power Supply System 可视化供电系统检修计划的数据库组织方法
Most substation equipments in power system of our country had used regular prophylactic repair and scheduled maintenance as the repair mode for a long time. 长久以来,我国电力系统的变电设备大多数都采用定期性的预防性试验及计划检修。
Through example test, this program system is proved effective to identify aircraft scheduled maintenance data. 通过对某一典型的飞机定检工卡的数据收集识别进行实例验证,证明用该程序系统进行飞机定检数据收集识别是切实有效的。
This paper work is following: ( 1) Research of current situation of collecting aircraft scheduled maintenance data; mainly disadvantages from current situation are explained. 本文的主要工作在以下几个方面:(1)对飞机定检数据收集的现状进行调研,主要说明了这一现状的不足。
Aircraft scheduled maintenance data is very import for analyzing a aircraft airworthiness and monitoring reliability of systems of a aircraft. but now, these datum are written on paper job cards. 飞机定检数据对分析飞机的适航性和监控飞行系统可靠性是非常重要的数据,但是现阶段该类数据的记录依然是以传统的纸质工卡为主。
So that, a lot of scheduled maintenance datum cannot been processed and used in trend analysis and prediction of failure for performance of a aircraft. 这样造成大量的定检数据不能用计算机来处理,不能对飞机性能进行趋势分析和故障预测。
Along with the development of hydro turbine-generator sets to the high-performance and large capacity in China, the routine maintenance work has set higher requirements. The traditional scheduled maintenance system flaws become increasingly evident. The demand of condition-based maintenance is more and more urgent. 随着我国水轮发电机组向高性能、大容量方向的发展,对水电机组的日常维护工作也提出了更高的要求,传统的计划检修体制缺陷日益明显,状态检修的实施越来越迫切。